Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted in over a week. Quite honestly, the one word to describe my days is "scatterbrained" though I don't think it's the same scattered brained as defined by freedictionary.com: "exhibiting or characterized by lack of serious thought or concentration; disorganized; silly."

It's not that I lack serious thought or concentration. As a matter of fact, it's quite the opposite. But after scattering my brain on different tasks and projects daily, I can't quite come up with one recurring theme to summarize the day.

So far this morning I've driven out to the east end, taken care of some business, gone to the grocery store, and discussed an order for Kayla's Cookies & Crumbs (I really need to update that blog too!!!) Not exactly sitting around with my feet up eating bon-bons, but also not life-altering.

One recurring theme in the past week has been friends. Bunko with the Carrington ladies, bunko with the SPES ladies, bunko with the Winterberry ladies, and maybe bunko with the ELES ladies. Checking in on friends going through rough times. Rallying with friends for good causes. Sharing things in common; learning from each others' differences.

I guess it's my ability to be scatterbrained which allows me to enjoy these many blessings. Yeah -- scatterbrained and I love it!

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