Saturday, June 14, 2014

Ginny, Part 14: Trust I: Dogs

For years, Maggie would ride with me to 7-Eleven for my daily diet Coke fix. She'd stand at the passenger seat with her nose out the window and her hair slicked back from the breeze.

While she waited for me to come out of 7-Eleven, she'd clean up any crumbs in my car from the last visit, and then lay down in a sunny patch until I returned. She trusts me that all was well and I'd be back quickly.

When Lexi came along and once she settled down a bit, I tried to bring her along for the ride too. But as much as she'd beg to come, she'd cry the entire way to our destination. Lexi is inquisitive and wants to be part of everything, but she's a fraidy-cat and doesn't like change or loud things. Poor girl. A couple of days ago, when we got to 7-Eleven, she tried to squeeze out of the car beside me; that was my sign that she shouldn't come on these rides anymore. She was so afraid she was missing out on something that she didn't enjoy the journey.

So this morning I took Maggie on the ride. Poor Lexi wasn't happy; but I knew she wouldn't be happy if she came along either.

Anyway...the other part of this tradition is that when we got back to my house, I would let Maggie get out of the car unleashed. This was the only time she was allowed to roam in the front yard since the run in with the car in the street. Maggie pretends to have a hard time getting into the car or onto a couch, but when she's motivated, she'll totally take the risk and succeed. If there's a treat on the couch, she doesn't think twice of jumping up. And if there's a little freedom in getting out of the car herself, she's spry like a puppy.

So this morning, Maggie jumps from the seat to the floor of the car and out the door as soon as it's opened and she follows her predictable pattern. She runs right to the patch of the Delaney's property where their dog Lady typically relieves herself, and Maggie "marks her territory" after finding the perfect spot (BTW, what IS with the perfect for a dog who needs to pee? why do they have to sniff everywhere first?!?!) She then prances across their driveway, sniffing her way up their front walk and to their front door.

I follow close behind, but not chasing her I know that she has a plan. I trust her. And then, once she gets to the Delaney's front door, I tell her it's time to go home and she meanders beside me back to our house. She's such a good girl who just needs her fix of independence.

During this adventure today, I really reflected on the trust. I am not really an animal person. I think many animals are cute and all, but I have a hard time trusting something I can't communicate with. But Maggie and Lexi are so different to me. Since we've known them from such a young age, we've figured out how to communicate with each other.

They scratch at the back door when they want to come in or need to go out. They rattle their food bowls when they think it's time to eat, or slide their water thing when it's empty. They come running when we open the coat closet door because that might mean it's time for a walk, and their ears perk up when the treat cabinet is opened. When they're outside and hear the back door open, they know to come inside (usually) and when they don't come easily I know all I have to do is say "treat" or "walk" and they'll come running.

Seven years ago, Ginny entrusted my family with her dog and, unbeknownst to me at the time, introduced me to the trust between dog and human.

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