Monday, June 9, 2014

Ginny, Part 10: Along Came Lexi

I've mentioned that Ginny always aspired to be a Head Coach. Through the years, she shared a couple of strong possibilities she pursued. There was a period of time where she seemed to be especially eager, but things were never quite right. I had the sense that she took this hard, and then she started talking about getting another dog.

Of course, at this point, it seems as though we're watching Maggie more than Ginny is because of her travelling, so she really felt us out about this idea. Our biggest concern was Maggie. She'd been queen of both houses for so long and wasn't really friendly with other dogs, so we wondered how she'd handle sharing her domain. But she was also five years old and could benefit from the energy of a younger playmate. So along came Lexi...

Maggie is a "Traditional Yorkshire Terrier" whereas Lexi is a "Tri-Colored Party Yorkie" 
which means she's got some white in her coat. 

How could you not fall in love with that little bundle of fur? And check out her tongue!
Lexi's tongue is literally too long for her mouth! Generally she manages with it, but when this girl is tired, that tongue can't help but slip out of her mouth...cutest thing ever!

Lexi definitely brought energy back into our houses! She is inquisitive, loving, and Maggie's biggest fan (as if there could be one more than Ginny!) Lexi is also the "annoying little sister" who gets in Maggie's face, taunts her with toys, and copies everything she does. Lexi is always underfoot, followed Ginny everywhere she went in the house & yard, and is scared of everything that makes noise. Where Maggie is very set in her ways, Lexi goes with the flow, lets us pick her up all the time, and even lets us hold her like a baby.

Maggie tolerates Lexi. Lexi literally gets right up in Maggie's face, even licking her beard; rumor has it that's a sign of submission, but I don't know about that. Maggie doesn't back off, but boy can she give Lexi a peace of her mind.
Ginny snapped this picture...she was pretty sure it was
the only way Maggie could get some peace in the beginning ;-).

Before Lexi came along, Maggie had a very bizarre way of eating. It was sad to watch, because she didn't seem to enjoy eating. She'd rub her nose on the floor by her dish and practically eat one piece at a time. The minute Lexi arrived, that all changed, and it's now a race to see which gets done first.

See how nicely they're playing with that yellow star toy? Here's how it really goes. Lexi, being the puppy of the family, LOVES to play with toys. Loves, loves, loves it. Maggie had long outgrown the toy thing. So here's what really happens when Maggie gets one Lexi's toys...

Before: Lexi's new alligator. After: Maggie pulled some teeth out of the alligator.

Quite honestly, I think they've gotten along best since Ginny's passing; perhaps they know they've got each other. Best buds forever.

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