Sunday, August 17, 2014

Date Night: Haywood-Style

Way back...before Kayla started elementary school and before Colin was born...I was working full time and had started a side business selling PartyLite Candles.

To help me juggle the paperwork-side of the business, Pierce started taking Kayla on scheduled "dates." That way, I knew she was having quality time with her dad and I could focus on business while they were gone and be more attentive when they came back home.

At the time, the dates probably consisted of dinner at McDonald's and maybe a visit to the local book store.

As time went on and our family expanded, "date night" became part of our family's tradition. When life was over-planned yet predictable, there was actually a schedule where Pierce would take Kayla out the first week of the month, Colin the second week of the month, and me the third of the month. The other week(s), Pierce got some time to himself ;-).

Now that life is completely booked and totally out of our control, both kids tend to think immediately of a date with dad on the rare night they don't have anything planned. We don't really keep track, so it may happen more than once a month, or a little more than a month between dates. But they still happen.

Pierce & Kayla enjoy trying a new dinner spot based on Kayla's recommendation. They'll often end up strolling through a pet store afterwards.

Pierce & Colin "wing it" based on Colin's mood.

Pierce & I? We get a date night EVERY WEEK now! Since January, Saturday has been our date night, unless there is a conflict. Our "go-to" is Applebee's. We sit at the bar, order dinner & drinks, and play "hockey" (a simple card game taught to us many years ago.) We have ventured elsewhere on occasion because of other plans coinciding with date night, or a couple to another restaurant ;-). Sometimes we'll go exploring afterwards, other times we'll head home to watch something on TV.

I am really proud of Pierce for instilling this tradition in our family, and hope it continues to years to come. As long as either kid is living near by, I think that making this effort to stay connected is invaluable.

What about Family Time? Every week! Family dinners are getting hard between work and sports. But every Friday the kids know we'll be home, likely order pizza or pick something up, and just relax. If they have other plans, that's ok; but they know we'll always be home on Friday night and they'll often chose to hang with us.