"Break"...that's a relative term this time of year.
Yes, the kids get a break from their routine of school, homework, and some activities.
Pierce & I get a break from early morning rituals and school night preparations like dinner at a timely hour.
But we don't seem to get a break from the busy nature of our lives. I am not complaining; it's all self-imposed. I'm anxious to see how it all pans out, but I'm not complaining.
Kayla will be volunteering at Hermitage Technical Center Monday-Thursday for the next 3+ weeks. She's got to be there by 8am, which means I'll be getting up most mornings to drive her (because I'm not keen on being housebound every day by giving her the van.)
Colin's got swim teach practice from 11-12. Thank goodness for friends & carpools as both kids' morning activities end at the same time, but not at the same destination.
Kayla joined the gym and will want use of the vehicle to utilize that membership, but we'll also be working around nightly all-stars practice with Colin. Then there's weekly swim meets, baking projects, camps, scrimmages & tournaments, baseball & music lessons, summer assignments, pet-sitting gigs, my part-time job, and my own gym schedule. All this while helping to train "our" new puppy.
This oughta be fun...